The third GaiaUnlimited community workshop will take place on September 9 to 11, 2024 in Leiden, the Netherlands This event will be a three-day workshop and unconference, where we will discuss and learn from each other about the finer details of the Gaia selection function and how to build and use it in various contexts….
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GaiaUnlimited Community Workshop 3, Leiden, Sep 9-11 2024
The third GaiaUnlimited community workshop will take place on September 9 to 11, 2024 in Leiden, the Netherlands This event will be a three-day workshop and unconference, where we will discuss and learn from each other about the finer details of the Gaia selection function and how to build and use it in various contexts….
Prototype V2 of the GaiaUnlimited tools available
Ahead of the second GaiaUnlimited community workshop we make available the second version of the Gaia selection function tools. These will be introduced and explained during the workshop. The code and data are available here.
GaiaUnlimited community workshop 2, Oct 4-6 2023
The second GaiaUnlimited community workshop will take place on October 4 to 6 2023 at the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, Turin, Italy. This event will be a three-day workshop and unconference, where we will discuss and learn from each other about the finer details of the Gaia selection function and how to build and use…
Vacancy for Research Assistant/Associate in GaiaUnlimited at Cambridge University
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge to work on the survey selection function for the Gaia mission. The research will be done as part of the GaiaUnlimited project. The aim is to research, develop, and implement the Gaia survey selection function, as well as selection functions for Gaia…

Emperical Gaia DR3 selection funtion paper on arXiv
This paper present an emprically determined selection function for Gaia DR3. It is a simple analytical completeness model of Gaia as a function of the observed G magnitude and position over the sky, which accounts for both the effects of crowding and the complex Gaia scanning law. The model only depends on a single quantity:…
GaiaUnlimited community workshop Sep 13-15 2022
The first GaiaUnlimited community workshop will take place on September 13 to 15 2022 at the MPIA in Heidelberg, Germany. This event will be a three-day workshop and unconference, where we will discuss and learn from each other about the finer details of the Gaia selection function and how to build and use it in…
Vacancy for a postdoc in the GaiaUnlimited Project (CLOSED)
The University of Torino in Italy is hiring a post-doc for the GaiaUnlimited Project. More information on this position can be found from the Torino website. Deadline for the application is 1 November 2021.

Selection functions paper on arXiv
The first paper from the GaiaUnlmiited project appeared on arXiv on 2021-06-16. It discusses the use of selection functions in astronomical data modeling, with the space density of white dwarfs as worked example.